Members of G.O.D.
Hard Work Gentle Labour
Holding Space is a Work of Art
Hanna Ravnsborg (1991) is currently following a two-year herbalist course. Besides that she works on a biodynamic farm. She is an anxious ecofeminist, looking for ways and places where peace and ease can flow.
Four-leaf clover infusion one-on-one ceremony
Happiness is about to come your way. I invite you over and make you a herbal infusion with four-leaf clovers. It is said that the fourth leaf is a portal to parallel worlds, there will be plenty of them in your cup. We sit down, you and me, one on one. We drink the infused water. It will spare us from unfortunate events.
When the clover is given away the chances to get lucky double up. I spent many hours hunting. Days, weeks, months. All for you to be happy. All for you to find success.
The plants are organic and carefully harvested, washed and dried in the past year.
Lucky you! Lucky me.
Saturday February 13th
from 11:00 to 18:00